Two days old...
Littly Addi adjusting to this big wide world,,,

Daddy hangin' out with his little girl

I think Renee is actually glowing,,,
(note: the "Colts" blanket is a gift from the her sister in Indiana. But to keep at peace with me, she also gave us a "Steelers" blanket...)

And here are the proud grandparents.

Everyone is doing great. Renee is catching up on her sleep (a little here and there) and is feeling better each day. Little Addison is healthy and for the most part, a pretty content little baby. (Last night was as little rough, but i hear that's normal for a two day old baby)
We feel so blessed with Addison's arrival and we are enjoying the beginning days as "the byler family"
good looking kid, ya'll... you just wait, you aint seen nothin yet...
B and B
Congratulations, Joe and Renee!!!!
that is definitely the most beautiful baby ever.. when can I come see her?
Hey guys! I am so proud of you! Ranetta filled me in on all the gory, I mean, lovely details. It sounds like you had a good time birthing that beautiful baby. I am glad you could have your sisters there with you. She is adorable and you make a cute family. I'll pop in and see you the next time I'm out that way. Oh, and Joe...GO COLTS!!!
Love you guys,
Joe and Renee........little Addi is beautiful. A little miracle born. Just remember all these sleepless nights are worth it. They will pass. Everyday will be filled with new and exciting things as you watch her grow.
Joe and Renee,
What a blessing. This is probably going to be the most incredible experience of your life- raising children! It is the hardest thing I have ever done, and the most wonderful thing I have ever done (and I am only 3 years into it, smile). Wish we could be there to share it with you. May the Lord bless all your efforts and work His work in Addison's life. All my love and big hugs to your family. Sandy and Cory and the boys.
ya'll should post more pictures
congratulations .... she is beautiful!!! can you believe what a little miracle you have created and can you believe how many diapers that little miracle can go through.....all my love
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