a place where all our friends and family from around the world can get a glimps of the newly born Addison Rae.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
LIfe with 2!
Life has been really fun and yet really challenging the last 3 weeks. We welcomed our new little baby girl into the world on the 17th. Eisley Brinn weighed in at 7lb.11oz. and 19 3/4 inches long. She is perfect and in my opinion looks nothing like Addison. She has a full head of dark hair. I find myself just playing with it constantly. Joe can't help but give her a mohawk each time he holds her. Addi is adjusting really well and loves helping out with putting diapers in the trash and getting burb rags for me and giving her baths and changing her clothes.
We had another home birth and things went picture perfect. This time i was able to labor and deliver in a portable tub. It was awesome. I don't believe i will ever labor again without one. I have included some appropriate pics of our labor and little Eisley. Hope you enjoy!
Joe filling the tub!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Can you believe I am 2 years old!!!!!
We have had a lot of activity over the last number of weeks. We had a great Christmas with my(Renee) family. Addi loved being at grandma's house for an extended time and enjoyed playing with all her little cousins. We also celebrated Addison's 2 years birthday last night on the 13th. We had her two closest little girl friends (Mabri Miller and Viola Nye) over for pizza, cake, ice-cream, and a dance party (at Addi's request of course). It is so fun and amazing to see what a little person our little Addi has become. She loves to dance and sing using whatever she can for a microphone and usually a large book for her stage. She has quite the vocabulary and really never stops talking. She is really into colors, shapes, elmo, cookie monster, books, dressing up, and playing with money. Anyways, things are great and we are all really looking forward to this spring when the new little byler joins the family and making that whole new transition again. Here are pics of our little princess. We know that's why you all get on here anyway :-)
This is one of my favorite pics of addi. She found some dress up clothes at church and was so proud to show them off.

These are the new elmo underwear that we are all so excited about!

Pictures from the Birthday Party!

How cute is that!

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Well we have just returned home from a wonderful yet exhausting time in P.A. with Joe's family. We left on Wednesday evening and came home late Saturday night. We had a great time until Addi came down with her first flew bug on Friday morning. With the wonderful assistance of Grandma Byler we survived all the throwing up and explosive diarrhea. I thought i would show you a few pics of Addison enjoying the several inches of snow at Grandma and Grandpa's house before she got sick.

We also have been working on potty training with addi. She is so close to having it down and she is not even 2 yet. Amazing! Anyways, Things are going well here with the Byler home. We are really looking forward to this holiday season. We loving being here in the city where all the hustle and bustle seems to be. I (renee) have already been playing lots of Christmas music which Joe finds completely annoying. We have many things coming up this season that we can't help but be excited. There are friends with babies coming soon, Nasty Christmas Sweater parties to attend, lots of excuses to eat really yummy food, church Christmas programs to see, time spent with loved ones, and of course the pure look of joy and excitement when addi finds out that we are getting a Christmas tree and that it will have candy canes on it.
Well, i need to run but wanted to wish you all a happy holidays! I hope you enjoy the pics.
Addi playing dress-up in her big girl underwear!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Life in the fast lane . . .
Wow, we have been so busy since march. Joe has been transitioning out of his job at MCF and is now working as the worship and arts director at Veritas. (the church plant in Columbus that we have joined) Along with the job move we also rented out our home in the "burg" and moved to a tiny but cozy apartment in the Short North of Columbus. We live right on the corner of 5th Avenue and High Street. (for those of you who would like to Google us and see where we are) We love being in the city again. We are enjoying how little we spend on gas because we walk or ride our bikes everywhere. Addi especially loves to ride bikes. We found a used bike seat and helmet for her and she begs to go for rides.
So if all this isn't enough change and excitement, we just found out we are pregnant again! We are really excited and are expecting the little one the first weak of May. However, i don't get that excited when i realize that we will have another little one in this little apartment. Oh well, it is just another reason for me to work on mastering my skills in organization and tidiness.
We have to confess that we have been so blessed in all of this transition. We have had so much support and love of family and friends. We realize that it is only by the grace of God that we have transitioned so well and been able to get through all the stress and still have smiles on our faces. So, thank you, to all of you. You know who you are. We love you so much.
Anyways, here are some pics of our new place and of course our adorable little Addi.
Here is our new little home . . .

Here is addi making chocolate chip cookies with daddy . . .

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!!!!
So, it is easter afternoon and we are hanging out at our adoptive family's home "brooke and brian miller". We seem to have made our selves very welcome here with all our family being quite a distance from us. we truly are so thankful for all our dear friends that we are surrounded with here in ohio. we really are blessed. so, this being easter I (renee) of course had to get my little girl all foo fooed up for the special occasion. She wore a dress that was given to us by a friend from church that was meant to be worn last easter. However, since we have been quite age proportionally challenged, we wore it this year even though it is only a 3-6 month size. Anyways, we have enjoyed our lazy sunday afternoon of great food and lounging around. I have a couple pictures of addi and then a few of mabri and addi together with a little easter treat courtesy Brooke.
Yesterday, joe and i were out in the yard staking out our garden for the summer and we had little addi all bundled up so she could run around and have fun as well. While we were not watching she totally dug into a huge clump of mud. So enjoy those pictures as well. :-)

this is totally a huge snot bubble!!!!!!!!!!