Can you believe I am 2 years old!!!!!
We have had a lot of activity over the last number of weeks. We had a great Christmas with my(Renee) family. Addi loved being at grandma's house for an extended time and enjoyed playing with all her little cousins. We also celebrated Addison's 2 years birthday last night on the 13th. We had her two closest little girl friends (Mabri Miller and Viola Nye) over for pizza, cake, ice-cream, and a dance party (at Addi's request of course). It is so fun and amazing to see what a little person our little Addi has become. She loves to dance and sing using whatever she can for a microphone and usually a large book for her stage. She has quite the vocabulary and really never stops talking. She is really into colors, shapes, elmo, cookie monster, books, dressing up, and playing with money. Anyways, things are great and we are all really looking forward to this spring when the new little byler joins the family and making that whole new transition again. Here are pics of our little princess. We know that's why you all get on here anyway :-)
This is one of my favorite pics of addi. She found some dress up clothes at church and was so proud to show them off.

These are the new elmo underwear that we are all so excited about!

Pictures from the Birthday Party!

How cute is that!

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