Family Vaction!!!!!!!
Yes we did get away this summer for a wonderful and much needed family vacation. However, we did a lot of driving in the car. Addi did suprisingly well. We spent a week in Charelston, on the beach, with my family (renee). We had such a great time relaxing and swimming. Addi loved the water, mostly the sand, but still she loved it nontheless! While we were gone Addi turned 7 months. She is also started crawling. Well, at least her style of crawling. She does the "army crawl" everywhere.

Addi's first sand castle that daddy helped build. She loved hanging out with cousin Rachel while on vacation.

Addi loved sitting at the waters edge at the beach. She would scream with delight when the water would rush in and then back out again. But this one time the water got the best of her . . .
Watch out Addi!!!!!!!!

Daddy was there to quickly pick her up and wipe the sand from her eyes and face. She sure got a mouth full of sand but she didn't seem to mind all that much.

Nap time on the beach! She slept so well in her little make shift tent.

Swimming in the pool. She was a good little swimmer. No fear! She would splash and get her face all wet and laugh like crazy.

This is addi's very common, "mommy i am so full" face. She can't seem to hold her tongue in when her little belly is full.
She is such a good little eater. She has not turned her nose up at anything. She is 13.6 lbs. and is 27 inches long. She is just now starting to wear some 3-6 month clothing. I don't know what to do with this petite little thing. With everything she eats i don't understand how she can still be so small. Oh well. She is healthy and happy and very advanced. She also has her two bottom teeth in. Boy is this teething thing fun!

Since turning 8 months old she is pulling herself up to her feet and walking along furniture. I can't believe that she is able to do that yet. She still seems to little to be doing things like that. I don't believe it will be long before she just takes off. She spends most of her days chasing Monti "the cat" all over the house. He doesn't seem to mind too much. She is also waving goodbye and every once in a while i can get her to play patty cake with me. How the time is flying by. Joe keeps jokeing that we will be post-poning her 1 year birthday till she is big enough to be a one year old.
Well, that is it for now. Keep checking back for the new 9 month pics coming in october.
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