7 week-aroos

Well, here's the latest pic of the little bundle of joy,,, She's 7 weeks old and starting to "talk" to us and every once in a while we get a little smile.

Mom and Dad are adjusting well to the new member of the family. Coffee (or anything with caffine) has become a good friend. Addi is getting the hang of sleeping at night, but sometimes she doesn't seem to get whole concept. Here she is introduced to the "starbucks".

joe, it looks like your coffee was spiked or something!
aww...my lil neice is too cute. Its irkin' me to not be able to hold her. :) Anyway, looks like she's growing up normal and all...though, are you sure its ok for a 7 week old to drink starbucks?
Laura, Mels, Sara, Danny and Jewel stayed with us this weekend. Randall and I are again confirmed in our decision to not start a family yet...:) jk. It was fun to get to know the lil ones...its weird having them grow up so far away.
we love you guys!
Hey guys! Addi is very cute! I think she's such a good mix of both of you. I just can't wait to meet her! So are you guys getting sleep at night? Just remember--this too, shall pass. Enjoy each moment because it's amazing how fast they grow! We love you guys and looking forward to seeing you!
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