Thursday, September 28, 2006

the blog of joe and renee

so, this is the site for all our friends and family from across the nation and world to check in and stay in touch with our lives as we move closer and closer to the birth of our child. Please leave us comments. We would love to hear from you. Check in from time to time. We will try to keep the updates farly current.

the BABE at 6 months

So this is the wife, large with child at 6 months.
The pregnancy has been going well. The baby has been moving a lot lately. (I belive it's practicing the drums or shaping up for soccer training.) I (joe) am able to feel the kid jumpin' around in there.
The latest check-up shows that everything is normal and healthy with a Due Date of Jan 5th. (oh yeah)
Well, thats all for now.

amazing counters
Drum and Bass