Monday, April 16, 2007

Videos of the Addison talking and finding her thumb...

Here a few short videos of addison finding her voice...

and she's found her thumb...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

What??? 12 weeks already???

Its hard to believe that little addi is already 12 weeks old. It seems like she was born just yesterday. She continues to talk to us more and more with little coos and gagas and usually we can get her to crack a big smile (if she is in a good mood). She hates the transitional processes of walking up and/or going to sleep, usually crying up a storm, but once she's asleep/awake, she a fairly content baby... At twelve weeks, she weighs 9lb 6oz, and is 22 1/2 inches long. So she's growing good and although it doesn't seem like it, she is putting the milk in places other then her pamper.

So we are a little "trigger happy" when it comes to taking pictures,,, but she's just so cute!

it's a bird? it's a plane? NO! Its SUPER-ADDI!!!

amazing counters
Drum and Bass