Our Lil' Booger

Lil' Booger ( addi's endearing nickname) is now 10.4 lb. 23.75 in. long and jabbers non stop. You think I am exagerating but I am not. Just the other day she jabbered the whole way into Urbana, through walmart, and all the way home. Boy does she have some stories to tell!

I can hardly believe that 4 months has passed by already. However, I must say that i am really enjoying this stage of smiles and giggles. It is amazing how little i get done in a day simply because i am having so much fun playing with addi and introducing her to new things. Motherhood is so much more rewarding than i ever thought possible and so much more work than i ever expected. Nevertheless, we are doing well. Nights are still rough going at times but we get though them

We thank God everyday for this new little blessing in our lives. We are so thankful for her health and wonderful personality. We can tell already this little girl has some big personality and lots of pizazz. What a wonderful journey we have a head of us. - Renee
Check out addi's favorite passtime these days...