Fall is here!!!!!!!
Yesterday, the three of us decided to take advantage of the beautiful fall day. So, we packed up and headed to John Bryan State Park. We spent the morning hiking and taking pictures of the fall colors. We packed a lunch and then lazed in the park on a blanket for a couple of hours. Then we headed into Yellow Springs. (for those of you who are unfamiliar this is also known as "hippy town") After walking around town we hit Young's Dairy on the way home. Man they have great icecream! Addi loved all the activity. She is such a content little girl. All morning she was content to ride in the snugli with daddy and pull leaves off of the trees. Over lunch she willing fell asleep in the stroller for a little nap.
Here are some pics of our day...

These are some pics of our adorable little "punkin". I just couldn't help myself.

Addi is doing great. Yes, she is still small for her age. She is 9 months and still wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes and size one diapers. I don't know that she will ever catch up :-) However that does not seem to affect her energy or mobility. She is constantly on the go. She is so close to walking. I really don't think it will be that long. She is also saying her first word, "kitty." Yes, she loves Monti our cat. It is no doubt that he would be her first word.
We have switched over to a new diaper called "g diapers." We have been very happy with them. They are a cloth diaper that is very user friendly and also adorable. I sewed all my own cloth inserts for the diapers. So far we are very happy with them. We decided to make the change not only for the financial ramifications but also just the guilty feeling i had knowing we were contributing to the landfill full of disposable diapers that won't break down for over 5oo years. So, it is one small thing i can do to make a difference.
Well, i think that is all for now.
the byler fam . . .