I am one year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christmas has passed along with the new year and i have just now found time to update the blog. Things are back into full swing with us here at the Byler home . . . Joe is back in school, photography is getting busier, and Addison is walking so obviously there is no rest for the weary.
Addison really enjoyed Christmas with both sets of grandparents and all the aunts and uncles. She was not shy about opening gifts. Then again, what kid is, right? She has been slowly gaining confidence this last month in the walking department and this week decided to take the plunge. We were so excited. It seems so unreal that a year has already gone by and little Addi is walking. She is almost 17 lbs. and is 27 inches long. She is still very petite and cute at a button. She plays "patty cake" really well. Her favorite part is "rolling" it. She is also saying a few words like kitty, daddy, hat, hot, and sometimes mama!
We are very excited about our birthday party we will be sharing with best friend Mabri mMiller on the 27th of this month. Our theme for the party is hot pink, black, and of course, poka dots!
Anyways, on to the good stuff that you all keep coming back for . . . pictures!
new new red bike from mom and dad! She was so excited she was drooling uncontrollably!!!!!
I love candy canes!!!!!!!!
video games with daddy
mommy took my one year pictures . . .