Happy Easter!!!!
So, it is easter afternoon and we are hanging out at our adoptive family's home "brooke and brian miller". We seem to have made our selves very welcome here with all our family being quite a distance from us. we truly are so thankful for all our dear friends that we are surrounded with here in ohio. we really are blessed. so, this being easter I (renee) of course had to get my little girl all foo fooed up for the special occasion. She wore a dress that was given to us by a friend from church that was meant to be worn last easter. However, since we have been quite age proportionally challenged, we wore it this year even though it is only a 3-6 month size. Anyways, we have enjoyed our lazy sunday afternoon of great food and lounging around. I have a couple pictures of addi and then a few of mabri and addi together with a little easter treat courtesy Brooke.
Yesterday, joe and i were out in the yard staking out our garden for the summer and we had little addi all bundled up so she could run around and have fun as well. While we were not watching she totally dug into a huge clump of mud. So enjoy those pictures as well. :-)

this is totally a huge snot bubble!!!!!!!!!!