Happy Holidays!
Well we have just returned home from a wonderful yet exhausting time in P.A. with Joe's family. We left on Wednesday evening and came home late Saturday night. We had a great time until Addi came down with her first flew bug on Friday morning. With the wonderful assistance of Grandma Byler we survived all the throwing up and explosive diarrhea. I thought i would show you a few pics of Addison enjoying the several inches of snow at Grandma and Grandpa's house before she got sick.

We also have been working on potty training with addi. She is so close to having it down and she is not even 2 yet. Amazing! Anyways, Things are going well here with the Byler home. We are really looking forward to this holiday season. We loving being here in the city where all the hustle and bustle seems to be. I (renee) have already been playing lots of Christmas music which Joe finds completely annoying. We have many things coming up this season that we can't help but be excited. There are friends with babies coming soon, Nasty Christmas Sweater parties to attend, lots of excuses to eat really yummy food, church Christmas programs to see, time spent with loved ones, and of course the pure look of joy and excitement when addi finds out that we are getting a Christmas tree and that it will have candy canes on it.
Well, i need to run but wanted to wish you all a happy holidays! I hope you enjoy the pics.
Addi playing dress-up in her big girl underwear!